Thursday, September 26, 2019

How to display Url object in reatctable

If you need to display Url object with link and descriptions inside reatctable, here are the steps.

1. Create a Url interfance and add to the object.
export interface Url {

export interface ApproverWithLink {
  name?: string;

2. Create the object and fill in Url object.

  public static _getApproverWIthUrl(workflowUsersIWorkflowUsers): ApproverWithLink[] 

    let authorsApproverWithLink[] = [] as ApproverWithLink[];

    if(workflowUsers != null && workflowUsers != undefined && 
workflowUsers.approvers != null &&  workflowUsers.approvers != undefined){
      let localApprovalsApprover[] = workflowUsers.approvers;  
      for (let i = 0i < localApprovals.lengthi++) {

        let localUrlUrl = {Url: ''Description:'Google'};
        let returnRecApproverWithLink = {name: localApprovals[i].name
email: localApprovals[i].emailid: 0,  role: localApprovals[i].role
status: localApprovals[i].status
lastmodified: localApprovals[i].lastmodifiedtaskLink: localUrl  };

    return authors;


3. Display on the webpart

let localApprovalsApproverWithLink[] = 

                                      columns: [
                                          Header: "Name",
                                          accessor: "name"
                                          Header: "Role",
                                          accessor: "role"
                                          Header: "Status",
                                          accessor: "status"
                                          Header: "Last Modified",
                                          accessor: "lastmodified"
                                          Header: "Link",
                                          accessor: "taskLink",
                                          Cell: e=><a href={e.value.Url}> {e.value.Description} </a>
                                  noDataText="No approvals assigned!"
                                    height: "200px" // This will force the table body to overflow and scroll, since there is not enough room
                                  className="-striped -highlight"

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Procedure to hide SharePoint online list public views

We have a SharePoint site that is used by two different type of users. One type is admin who should be able to see list item. The other type is regular user who should see some list item based on the column value. We do not want to have item level permissions that will need additional development effort. Here is the quick solution.

  1. Create public view to exclude list item based on the column value. 
  2. Create another master view to display all items. 
  3. Add a page that is only be accessed by Admin group that has the link to the master view and include the master view.
  4. Use Powershell to hide the view from view selections.

#Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline

#Change this to the URL of your SharePoint site
$sharePointUrl = ""

#Connect-PnPOnline –Url $sharePointUrl –Credentials (Get-Credential)

# open learner list
$listUrl = "Lists/listname"
$list = Get-PnPList -Identity $listUrl


ForEach($v in $list.Views){

    if($v.Title -eq 'ListViewName'){ 
    $v.Hidden = $true;
    #$v.Hidden = $false;
