Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Utilize the Managed Metadata Service application tip #6 – How to fix "The default termstore for this site cannot be identified " error

If you add new managed metadata column to a list or site column, you may come across the error  ‘The default termstore for this site cannot be identified’ as in the screen shot.

The way to fix this is quite simple. You need to configure “Managed Metadata Service Connection”. Go to Central Admin -> Application Management -> Manage service applications -> Highlight the Managed Metadata Service Connection the webapp is using -> Click Properties from Ribbon.

Check “This service application is the default storage location for column specific term sets.” So you could use the service as default location to store metadata column. You would need to do this for each webapp if you need to use it across the webapp. Since you could have multiple Managed Metadata Services for one webapp, you would need to configure the default one. This is same if you need to store the key words.

 The reason you see the red warning in previous screen shot when configure the MMS connection is I have more than one MMS on the farm.

Please refer other blog on managed metadata service.

Utilize the Managed Metadata Service application tip #1 - How to resolve "The required feature is not enabled for this column type" error 

Utilize the Managed Metadata Service application tip #2 - Metadata column not visible for users other than site collection administrators

Utilize the Managed Metadata Service application tip #3 – Impact of message “Earlier versions of client programs might not support this type of column” on Document Library

Utilize the Managed Metadata Service application tip #4 – How to workaround "Deletion of this user as a contributor failed" for local term store 

Utilize the Managed Metadata Service application tip #5 – Be aware of "Deletion of this user as a contributor failed" error on AD groups for local term store

Utilize the Managed Metadata Service application tip #6 – How to fix "The default termstore for this site cannot be identified " error

Utilize the Managed Metadata Service application tip #7 – How to read managed metadata column relationship 

Utilize the Managed Metadata Service application tip #8 - How to resolve error "This operation cannot be completed. The term store may be unavailable."

1 comment:

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