If you use Managed metadata field in your email notification, you will find some strange ID attached to your field. What is the strange ID?
Here is the steps how to reproduce the issue.
1. Create a custom list “MMD"
2. Add an managed metadata column named “Managed Metadata Field” to use local term store as in the following screen shot
3. Create a designer workflow to send email
4. Send email with body to display value of the “Managed Metadata Field” as in the following screen shot
5. In the email, you will see term value concatenated with some IDs like “Term1|75e251f8-d30b-4de2-a388-4ee9c2a1d807” instead of just “Term1” value
If you review my previous blog on the Managed Metadata Column relationship, you will noticed that ID is the ID for the term. You could verify if you view the hidden list http://sbx01/sites/Harry/Lists/TaxonomyHiddenList/AllItems.aspx. See attached screen for details.
There are other cases you will get unexpected value of managed metatdata values.
1. If you export the list and the value of the managed metadata fields will also displayed as “ID;#Text”. The following field value "Test1" is displayed as "1;#Test1" instead.
2. If you use OoB web service to display the field, you will display “ID;#Text” as well. There is a way you could trim for the webpart. Does anyone have a way to trim the term ID and just display term value for email and exported excel file?
After some researching, I saw someone reported the similar issue and it might be fixed by December CU 2011.
1. If you export the list and the value of the managed metadata fields will also displayed as “ID;#Text”. The following field value "Test1" is displayed as "1;#Test1" instead.
2. If you use OoB web service to display the field, you will display “ID;#Text” as well. There is a way you could trim for the webpart. Does anyone have a way to trim the term ID and just display term value for email and exported excel file?
After some researching, I saw someone reported the similar issue and it might be fixed by December CU 2011.
You could refer other blog on managed metadata service.