Thursday, June 28, 2012

Managed metadata issue – User profile properties could not editable on SharePoint 2010

We run into an issues that some user profile properties could not editable on ALL non production SharePoint 2010 environments while those are editable in production. The simptom is you will get the following error on user profile edit page for some of the fields. 

Some SharePoint 2010 users have encountered the similar issues but I have not found good solution. I've tested this issue for a while and was able to find the root cause and workaround. Here are the details how to reproduce the issue and the woraround. Please note this workaround has side effect and we are looking for final solution from Microsoft.

  • Set up two managed metadata service in SharePoint 2010 environment and mutiple webapps 
  • One managed metadata service is used for specific Legal webapp and the other one is used for all other webapps.
  • Each webapp will have only one managed metadata service associated with it.
  • Both  managed metadata service configured identically as bellow screen shot 
  • Refresh production content databases into non-production environemnt (Please refer other blogs on the issues of the linked managed metadata cloumns. You could see all blogs under managed matadata service category)

Now, you will have the issues not be able to edit user profile some properties! This does not seem to impact any SharePoint 2010 environemnt using single managed metadata service.

I did some testing and identified one woraround. The workaround is to unselect the “This servcies application is the default storage location for Keywords” on one of the managed metadata service as shown in the following screen shot. If you change the configuration like this, you are able to edit ALL user profile properties! 

The side effect is the all keywords will be samed into the one global managed metadata service term store that vialates the original requirement to limit users from other webapp to see keywrods from different webapp using different MMS.

As a result, we will work with Microsoft to see whether we could have a good solution to fix this issue.

Migrate SharePoint 2010 content with managed metadata challenges - Part II migrate site collection from one webapp to another webapp with the same MMS

As we mentioned in previous post, it is very challenge to keep the integrity of the managed metadata column values when you migrate the content. Foe the ten use cases we mentioned in previous blog, some of them are much difficulty that others. In this blog I’ll provide solution to use cases #3 listed before to fix managed metadata column values become un-editable when we migrate site collection from one webapp to another webapp with the same MMS.

Let us set up the site collation so we could demonstrate the issues and solution.

1. First, we will create a site collection with URL http://sbx08/sites/MMDDHW/SitePages/Home.aspx
2. Second, we set up the global managed term group named “QCGlobal” with one Term Set named Set1 with two terms. Then set up site collection local Term Set named “LocalMMS” with two terms. You could view both global and local term store setting for this site collection from the following screen shot

3. Third, we create a list named “MMD1” with one managed column “LocalMMD” linked to local term store and another managed column named “GlobalMMD” linked to global term store
4. Finally, add a new item and link the localMMD and GlobalMMD to local and global terms “Test1” and “Global1

At this time, you could edit the item and verify both terms are linked to global or local term stores. Both columns are editable.


Let's migrate this site collection from this webapp to a different one with same MMS. I'm using site collection backup and restore method to demonstrate this. Here are the steps.
  •  Back up the existing site collection using powershell
             Backup-SPSite -Identity http://sbx08/sites/MMDDHW -Path C:\MMDDHW.bck
  • Create a new site collection http://sbx08:20339/sites/MMDDHW in destination webapp using blank template
  • Restore the existing collection destination webapp using powershell
            Restore-SPSite –Identity http://sbx08:20339/sites/MMDDHW  -Path C:\MMDDHW.bck  -Force

Now if you browse the site, you will see identical site collection comparing to source site collection.

However, when you try to edit the item with managed metadata column, the global column is editable but the local term is grayed out not editable. The reason global term is editable because we migrated the site collection to the webpp with same MMS. IF you migrate to a webapp with different MMS, the global term will also not editable as shown in the following screen shot.

The question is how to fix the local terms. I follow the same procedure and script published by SergeyZelenov even the script is not meant for this purpose. Here are the procedures to fix local terms.
  • Open Powershell ISE
  • Open RestoreSPSiteLocalTermSet.ps1 powesshell
  • Run Selection (F8) (Do not click Run!)
  • Enter the destination site collection URL http://sbx08:20339/sites/MMDDHW and click OK
  • You will see the following message
 PS C:\Users\harrycx> Restore-SPSiteLocalTermSetAccess
Site collection's access to term store group 'Site Collection - sbx08-sites-MMDDHW' restored successfully

Now, the issue resolved and both local and global columns are editable again!!!
There are some other ways you could use to migrate site collections from one webapp to another webapp. Here is the list of some of the ways with my suggestions.
  • Export and import (Do not use and prefer backup and restore as we discussed before)
  • Content DB detach and attach (Use it when site collection is larger than 15G)
  • Metalogix migration tools
  • DocAve migration tool (Prefer over Metalogix)
Does not matter what method you are using to migrate site collection, as long as it has been migrated to the webapp with SAME MMS, you could following the procedure listed above to fix the local terms. We will discuss other use cases including site collection migrated to webapp with different MMS later.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Migrate SharePoint 2010 content with managed metadata challenges - Part I use cases and issues

As we mentioned before, the Managed Metadata Service application is one of the most important and interesting new service applications in SharePoint Server 2010.  However, it’s very frustrating for SharePoint users and administrations not able to use the global and local managed metadata columns when you migrate the site collection from one farm to different farm, migrate site collection from one webapp to different webapp with same or different Managed Metadata Service applications.  The major issue after the content migration is the managed metadata column values become un-editable and terms are not available that Microsoft has not resolved!

It will become even worse if you migrate sub site from one site collection to another site collection with same or different Managed Metadata Service (MMS) application. The reason is the managed metadata column might be implemented through list column, site column, and content type. The site column and content types normally are on site collection level and will not be migrated with sub-site!

The major reason for this issue is the GUID changed and links broken as many people reported. Before you read the following sessions, you might need to review the previous post regarding the managed metadata column relationship. There are many efforts to resolve this but all of them have some limitation. We have worked with consultants and Microsoft product special service groups for a long time to provide a final solution to meet the different content migration managed metadata repair tool. In this blog, I’ll go through the major issue and most of the use cases so we could go to details how to resolve each of them in the future blogs.

Since the content migration could be on several different scopes like site collections, sub site, list, and item level, there will be many combinations of the migration if we consider the destination might have same MMS or different MMS. Here are some major use cases in our company that we try to find solution.

  1. Migrate site collection(s) from one farm to another farm with same MMS
  2. Migrate site collection(s) from one farm to another farm with different MMS (This can be done to combine #1 and #4)
  3. Migrate site collection(s) from one webapp to another webapp with the same MMS
  4. Migrate site collection(s) from one webapp to another webapp with the different MMS
  5. Migrate sub site(s) from one site collection to a different site collection with the same MMS
  6. Migrate sub site(s) from one site collection to a different site collection with the different MMS
  7. Migrate list(s) from one site collection to a different site collection with the same MMS
  8. Migrate list(s) from one site collection to a different site collection with the different MMS
  9. Migrate item(s) from a list to another list in a different site collection with same MMS
  10. Migrate item(s) from a list to another list in a different site collection with different MMS

Since you may link managed metadata column through list column, site column, and content type, you will have to test each use case all three implementations. To illustrate the content migration with managed metadata issue, we start with use case #1 to migrate one site collection from one farm to another. This is very common user cases we refresh all production content to one non-production environment so we could test upgrade process. This example is using managed metadata column through list column.

First we set up source site collection with url http://sbx10:3333/sites/mmd1, global terms, and local terms like in the following screen shot.

Second, we create two lists to use global terms and local terms separately. One named “Local Terms Test” using local terms and another list named as “Gobal Terms Test” using global terms. See following screen shots for details.

When you try to edit the items using global terms and local terms, you are able to change the values as in the following screen shot.

For migration, we demonstrated the common way for content migration that is very close to the one posted here.

1.  Site collection migration
 2.  Managed metadata service migration
  • Back up managed metadata service database from source farm
  • Restore managed metadata service database to destination farm
  • Configure managed metadata service on destination farm to use backed up managed metadata service database
After all these work, you would expect the site collection on destination farm with all the content and managed terms migrated. When you look at the destination site collection and list, it seems like all managed metadata values for both local and global terms are migrated to http://sbx08:3333/sites/mmd1 as in the following screen shot. 

However, the first issue is only global terms are available but NOT the local terms through manager terms link as in the following screen shot.

The second issue is when you try to edit either local or global terms, all of those terms are greyed out and uneditable as show in the following screen shots. One is for local terms and another one is for global terms.


Now, the migrated managed metadata are not linked to the correct term stores! We have tried several ways to fix the issues with limited success. Some methods listed below could fix the global terms but none of them could fix both global and local terms. Here is the list of the methods we tried from different blogs.

  1. Backup and restore approaches suggested by Wictor and PointBeyond

  2. Taxonomy APIs C# code to export and import managed metadata by Chris Khaw
  3. Export/Import-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData to export term store by Tajeshwar Sing and Microsoft DSE
  4. Manually link back terms

We have found the global term store issues could be resolved much easier than local term store. The site collection migration is easier than sub site. The migration between same MMS is easier than different MMS.  Since there is no simple solution to cover all the test cases we discussed, we worked with Microsoft service group on building several tools to link back the migrated managed local AND global terms. I'll cover the details to each different uase case in future blogs.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Tips to resolve Quest qCalendarView webpart display issues on IE

The Quest 5.3 qCalendarView webpart crushed on SharePoint 2010 using IE is a known issue. The qCalendarView is displayed as in the following screen shot. It is crushed or shrinked as you can see.

The Workaround Steps to resolved the issue is to set the IE to use Compatibility View in the following steps.
  1. In Menu Go to Tools
  2. Go to Compatibility View Settings
  3. Unselect the 2nd check box (Display Intranet sites in Compatibility View)
  4. Close the Compatibility View Settings window
  5. Refresh the web page

However, after upgrade to Quest to 5.7,  this setting breaks qCalendarView webpart when you have the new qMediaView web part added on the page. The qCalendarView webpart crushed again same as we described above. Well, the solution is very simple - you could reset IE back NOT to use Compatibility View.
  1. In Menu Go to Tools
  2. Go to Compatibility View Settings
  3. Unselect ALL check boxes
  4. Close the Compatibility View Settings window
  5. Refresh the web page

You will see the webpart displayed correctly as in the following shreen shot.

This setting will also resolve another SharePoint Analitical reporting issue "SharePoint 2010 Web Analytics 'Top Browser' report does not record IE 8 browser" as described in my previous blog.