Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Easy way to identify Office apps and Office 365 for business mobile apps supported on different mobile devices

One of the big advantage to use Office 365 is you could access the content from different mobile devices. However, if you need to test different combinations of what apps will run on what type of devices. Microsoft does not seem to provide a list since it changes frequently every month. There is a simple way you could list Office apps and Office 365 for business mobile apps supported for different mobile devices. Here is the procedure and the list based on current O365 version as February 2015.

You could login to O365 -> Click Admin-> DASHBOARD -> Download software as indicated in the screenshot. You could use this link to go there directly.

 Click Phone & tablet and you will see all supported mobile devices as in the following screenshot.

If you need to which Office apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote) or see a list of the Office 365 for business mobile apps supported for your device, click each link. Here is the list.

1. Window Phone

2. iPhone

3.Android phone
4. Android tablet
5. Window 8 tablet

6. Window RT device

7. iPad

At this time, there is no apps available to support BlackBerry and Nokia (Symbian OS). They might be supported in future release.

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