Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How to set up Nintex workflow to read configuration values

When we use O365 Nintex workflow variables, it's a good practice to configure them in external system like SharePoint list to make them flexible and configurable. Here are two different ways to configure using SharePoint list as look-up.

We have a configuration like called "HarryConfigDev" with two columns "Title" and "Value". Two configure entries with two titles as "EndPoint1" and "EndPoint2". They will point to two different web site. This will be used in method #1 to retrieve the configuration in "Value" column.

We also have a SharePoint list named as "HarryDev" with one column named "EndPoint". This will be used in method #2 to retrieve "HarryConfigDev" configuration in "Value" column when the list column "EndPoint" value equals "Title" of the configuration.

Here is the configuration in Nintext workflow set variables for method #1. Please note the value to look up is harded as "EndPoint1"

Here is the configuration in Nintext workflow set variables for method #2. Please note the value is dynamically getting from the list field "EndPoint".

The logs will should the result from both methods.

Based on the different situation, you might need to use on of these methods.

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